Kategoriarkiv: SSAG

5 november 2019: Vad händer när klimatet förändras?

Svenska Nationalkommittén för geografi inbjuder till 2019 års Kollokvium med föreläsning av Christer Jonasson, docent i naturgeografi vid Uppsala universitet

Vad händer när klimatet förändras?

Hur påverkas vi av att glaciärer smälter, permafrosten tinar och trädgränsen förändras?

Ett sekel av aktuell forskning vid Abisko Naturvetenskapliga Station

5 november kl 13.15-15
Linköpings universitet, Studenthuset sal SH62, 995712

Under kollokviet presenteras också mottagaren av 2019 års lärarpris i geografi i samarbete med Svenska Sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi (SSAG) och Geografilärarnas Riksförening: Martin Röllgårdh, Finnvedens gymnasium i Värnamo.

Efter föreläsning och presentation är alla åhörare välkomna på mingel med kaffe.


23 October 2019: ”Gerd Enequist – a multiple pioneer” and ”Writing working lives: feminist geographies and generations”

Department of Social And Economic Geography, Uppsala University, presents two open lectures on:  

23 October 2019

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of Gerd Enequist’s installation as the first woman professor at Uppsala University, and the first professor in Human Geography: Gunnel Forsberg, Professor Emeritus in Human Geography with a special focus on urban and regional planning at Stockholm University, will give the lecture:

Gerd Enequist – a multiple pioneer
Gerd Enequist, the first woman professor at Uppsala University, was a pioneer in various ways. With the help of her archive containing a collection of letters, diaries and manuscripts, we can get a glimpse of her crivate life and her scientific contributions in her own voice. This talk will present some aspects of a pioneering woman geographer.

10.15–12.00 in Hörsal 2, Ekonomikum, Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, Uppsala.
Join us for fika from 09.30 outside the lecture room.

and in the afternoonwe are happy to present:

Uppsala lecture in human geography 2019:

Linda McDowell
, Emerita Professor of Human Geography, University of Oxford. Research Fellow, St. John’s College, Oxford. Honorary Professor of Geography, Exeter University

Writing working lives: feminist geographies and generations
The rise of a service-dominated economy has transformed thenature of work and employment in the UK and elsewhere, altering associations between gender and employment opportunities for both women and men. Drawing on personal narratives of working lives, I will explore arguments about the causes and consequences of changing gender divisions of labour, focusing on periods of economic crisis between 1945 and the present. The examples are British but have, I think, many parallels with changes in Sweden.

14.15–16.00 in Hörsal 4, Ekonomikum, Kyrkogårdsgatan 10, Uppsala.
We invite you to drinks and buffet at the Department of Social and Economic Geography from 16.30.

Please email sofia.cele@kultgeog.uu.se by Oct 15th, if you would like to eat with us.

Any questions? Email: sofia.cele@kultgeog.uu.se



Bilder från Vegadagen 2019

Vegasymposiet på Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien i Stockholm.
Professor Emily Martin, New York University, associate professor Jane Anderson, New York University, professor Don Kulick, Uppsala University, and professor Leith Mullings, City University of New York.

Om Vegadagen

Årets geografilärarpris 2019

”Lotta på Mohedaskolan är Sveriges bästa geografilärare” skriver
SVT:s nyheter med anledning av att Lotta Rahm, Mohedaskolan i
Alvesta kommun, får årets geografilärarpris.

Priset delas ut i samarbete mellan Nationalkommittén för geografi
vid Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien, Geografilärarnas Riksförening och Svenska Sällskapet för Geografi och Antropologi.

Lotta på Mohedaskolan är Sveriges bästa geografilärare
Lärare: Så får du ditt barn intresserad av geografi
Nationalkommittén för geografi
Geografilärarnas Riksförening
Svenska Sällskapet för Geografi och Antropologi

Film screening and Q&A: Menstrual realities in Rural Tanzania – December 14

LUCSUS Lund University and SSAG in cooperation.

Welcome to the film screening of Breaking the Silence. A film by researcher Sara Gabrielsson and Ann Åkerman about Sustainable Menstrual Health Management in Tanzania with a Q&A session with special guest Marjorie Sable, Professor Emeritus in public health at University of Missouri, USA.

The event will include mingle with drinks and snacks.

Marjorie Sable, Professor Emeritus in public health at University of Misssouri, USA is visiting Sweden in conjunction with her husband Professor George P. Smith receiving the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Marjorie Sable is involved with public health work in Rwanda and Tanzania with the NGO Humanity for Children and is interested in research on Menstrual Health Management at LUCSUS.

Sara Gabrielsson is a researcher in Sustainability Science with focus on water and sanitation in Africa, https://www.lucsus.lu.se/sara-gabrielsson

The event is organized by LUCSUS, Lund University and Sara Gabrielssons research is partly generously funded by the Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography (SSAG).

Time: 14 December, 15.00 – 16.30
Place: Wrangel, Room 117, Biskopsgatan 5, Lund
Contact persons: Cecilia von Arnold, cecilia.von_arnold@rektor.lu.se and the SSAG Secretary Jonas Åkerman, jonas.akerman@nateko.lu.se.

Everybody interested in sustainability and health is welcome. No registration needed.