The yearbook Ymer is one of SSAG’s key publications. It is released once a year since its inception in 1881. Ymer is a book and addresses the general public.
The yearbook is named after the giant Ymer (English: Ymir) in the Viking creation myth. From his body Oden created the earth. Ymer is also the name of the ship with which the Swedish explorer Adolf Erik Nordenskiöld undertook a polar expedition to the Russian Yenisej River in 1876.
Members of SSAG receives Ymer every year. Ymer is also available at many libraries.

Earlier Ymer available for order
Ymer in full text from the Project Runeberg
Ymer is distributed by ab and can be ordered at
Ymer published in recent years can also be downloaded for free in PDF format:
Ymer 2021: Megaprojekt – Kritiska perspektiv på storskalig infrastruktur
Ymer 2020: Periferi som process
Ymer 2019: Turismen och resandets utmaningar
Ymer 2018: Globala flöden och lokala praktiker – policymobilitet i tid och rum
Ymer 2017: Urban utveckling och interaktion
Ymer 2016: Genus och företagande
Ymer 2015: Sverige utanför: – Svensk makt och dess spår i utlandet
Ymer 2014: Resurser och politik i Afrika
Ymer 2013: Antropologi och tid
Questions about ordering Ymer are sent to: ab
Box 1310
SE-621 24 Visby
Phone: +46 498 253900 (telephone exchange)
Phone: +46 498 208888 (cell phone)
Fax: +46 498 249789
Visiting address: Barlingbo skola, Barlingbo, Gotland