
Scholarships available in 2025

Application form
Money transfer form
Expense report form

The Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography (SSAG) hereby announces scholarships for master students, PhD candidates and Post-Docs for 2025. The SSAG supports research in the fields of Anthropology and Geography. Applications are to be filled out on the forms provided. The application forms, together with their supporting documents (appendices) should arrive at the SSAG secretary no later than January 15, 2025 via e-mail. The application forms can be downloaded from this website (click on links above).

Please note that the SSAG membership fee must be paid for the application to be processed. Incomplete applications will not be processed.

Apply for membership here:

The scholarships are paid out from the following funds:

  • Andrée Fund – for supporting Swedish and Norwegian research in Physical Geography
  • Vega Fund – for supporting research in geography as well as travel associated with fieldwork
  • SSAG’s Funds

Ph.D. and Masters students

Financial support is awarded to Masters and Ph.D. students who are members of SSAG. Postpostdoctoral researchers and researchers/lecturers who have not yet attained the title of ‘docent’ who are members of SSAG can also receive funding (see below for details on those stipends). Note that for Ph.D. students, support can be awarded on up to four different occasions. Also note that the SSAG primarily supports fieldwork. The stipends for Ph.D. students usually amount to 20 000–50 000 SEK each. For further information, see ‘Conditions of Award’ below.

Masters students can also be considered for financial support twice a year. There are special funds for 2–3 stipends within each discipline (anthropology, human geography, physical geography). The stipends usually amount to a maximum of 25 000 SEK each. Decisions will be announced in the beginning of of January and June. Stipends applied for in January should be intended for use in the spring semester, grants applied for in May should be intended for the fall semester.

The application should contain the following supporting documentation:

  • Appendix 1: project proposal (maximum of four A4 pages)
    For Master’s students max 1.5 pages.
  • Appendix 2: budget and time table (maximum of two A4 pages)
    For Master’s students max 1 page
  • Appendix 3: curriculum vitae
  • Appendix 4: letter of support from the supervisor (for Master’s students it may also be the Coordinator of the Master’s program, or corresponding person).

Postdoctoral research stipends

The Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography (SSAG) announces the creation of special stipends to support research proposals for postdoctoral research in physical geography, human geography and anthropology. The maximum award is 80 000 SEK This new grant is open to early career scholars that need to do field research to develop new research interests. Ideally, the research projects should aim to explore new research projects after having completed a Ph.D.

Even though the SSAG primarily supports fieldwork, the postdoctoral research projects should more generally aim to obtain empirical material for the development of new research themes and foci that are different than the Ph.D.-research. The research grants can include costs such as travel, fieldwork and research equipment; however, no salary can be covered by SSAG’s grant. Membership in SSAG at the application date is required.

The application should contain the following supporting documentation

  • Appendix 1: project proposal (maximum of four A4 pages)
  • Appendix 2: budget and time table (maximum of two A4 pages)
  • Appendix 3: curriculum vitae

Instructions and addresses

The application forms and appendices should be sent via e-mail to the e-mail address given below. Please submit only one file (all relevant files should be merged into one PDF or Word file) and attached to the e-mail; the file must include the applicant’s last name. The applications and appendices have to arrive to SSAG’s secretary by the deadline (see above) in order to be considered. Applications that are incomplete or late will not be considered. Final decisions will be made and communicated by the end of March; decisions for stipends for Masters students will be made by the beginning of February.

Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers should send in applications to one of these addresses depending on your affiliation. If you are a human geographer send your application to, if you are a physical geographer, send to, and if you are an anthropologist, send to

Depending on your affiliation, Masters students should send their application to, or

Conditions of Award

The goal of the SSAG is to support geographical and anthropological research. Funds are normally awarded only to those students or other individuals at departments where such research is carried out. Membership in the SSAG is required. Financial support is awarded up to a maximum of four times. All costs associated with the project should be specified in the budget and justified in the project proposal.

Support is primarily given for the following purposes:

  • Direct costs in association with fieldwork (e.g. transportation and lodging)
  • Per diem and other living expenses, not normally greater than 150 SEK/day
  • Consumables (specified)
  • Purchase or rent of modestly-priced field equipment
  • Analysis costs (specified)
  • Travel in association with research, e.g. data analysis and processing (must be justified)
  • Costs associated with fieldwork assistants and/or interpreters

The SSAG does not provide support for individuals who wish to participate in research/field excursions. However, if extra funds earmarked for one of the three disciplines are available (human geography, physical geography, anthropology), a department can receive some support in order to help pay for the excursion. In such a case, the application should be written by the coordinator for the course/excursion and sent in/supported by department’s administrative board. In addition, book projects can be supported in case of surplus funds. For all types of scholarships and applications, SSAG prioritizes support for projects including travel or field work.

The final expense report should include original receipts (internet receipts are acceptable). Receipts are not needed for reporting per diem. Additionally, a copy of the original budget should be appended with the expense report. Financial contributions from other scholarships awarded for the same project should also be reported.

Any expenses for per diem or car mileage can only be reimbursed from one fund; you may not claim funds from both SSAG and another fund/grant. If SSAG provides funds for a specific part of a larger project, if needed, the SSAG board may specify for which expenses SSAG’s funds may be used for.

Please note that according to law, stipends are private and cannot be administered by, for example, university departments. Therefore, SSAG does not accept invoices from university departments.

New stipends will not be awarded until previous stipends are reported and expenses are approved. Final reports must be sent in for stipends within two years. If the stipend is not used within two years, then the an application for an extension must be sent to SSAG’s board (secretary). Awarded but unused funds must be repaid to SSAG after three years.


All queries regarding the application process should be sent to