Doreen Stabinsky, Zennström Visiting professor in Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University, will give a lecture on education for sustainable development. The lecture will be followed by questions and the award of the Swedish National Committee for Geography’s prize for geography teachers (in Swedish).
Time: Thursday 5 November 2015, 13.00–16.00.
Venue: Beijersalen, Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien, Lilla Frescativägen 4A (metro station ”Universitetet”; bus stop ”Universitetet norra”).
Registration: The event is free of charge and open to the public but registration is required for all participants (link below).
Organizer: The Swedish National Committee for Geography and the Swedish Society for Anthropology and Geography.
13.00 Coffee
13.30 Welcome remarks
Olof Stjernström, Chairman, Swedish National Committee for Geography
13.35 Nationalkommitténs och Svenska sällskapet för antropologi och geografis (SSAG) lärarpris i geografi delas ut
13.50 Education, sustainable development, and the challenges of climate change
Doreen Stabinsky, Zennström Visiting professor in Climate Change Leadership at Uppsala University
14.30 Panel discussion
Lisa Deutsch, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholms University
Bengt Gustafsson, Uppsala Univservity
Ingrid Moum Rieser, The Centre for Environment and Development Studies, CEMUS
Moderators: Veijo Pohjola, Uppsala University, and Isak Stoddard, Uppsala University