

The patron of the society is His Majesty the King of Sweden.

Annual meeting

“At the meeting in November, which is the regular meeting, the election of new board members takes place, as is stated in § 14 of the statutes, after which the Society, with the guidance of the outgoing board’s proposed calculation, sets the amount to the board’s disposal, which is found necessary for the running costs of the following year.

At the Society’s annual meeting, other matters are dealt with, that the board has referred to the Society, also as proposals, raised by any member. At an extra annual meeting, only those matters are addressed, that are stated in the notice.” (§ 9 in the statutes of SSAG, free translation)

Society members are invited to the annual meetings by mail.

See SSAG’s statutes.


The board leads the activities of the society. The board consists of the chairman, deputy chairman, secretary, treasurer, and five other members. The chairman, deputy chairman, secretary, and treasurer constitute the presidium and deals with matters relating to administrative procedures.

See SSAG’s statutes and list of board members.


The society’s trustee, with an advisory role in matters that the board has referred to the trustee, consists of the editors of the journals Geografiska Annaler A and B and the yearbook Ymer, another four of the board members, the honorary members of the society, and one representative of each of Geografiska förbundet (The Geographical Association), Geologklubben i Stockholm (The Geology Club in Stockholm), Kartografiska sällskapet (The Cartographical Society), Swedish National Committee for Geophysics, Sydsvenska geografiska sällskapet (The South Swedish Geographical Association), Geografiska föreningen i Göteborg (The Geographical Association in Gothenburg), Geografiska föreningen i Uppsala (The Geographical Association in Uppsala), Geografiska föreningen i Umeå (The Geographical Association in Umeå), Geografiska föreningen i Linköping (The Geographical Association in Linköping), and Geografilärarnas riksförening (The Swedish National Association of Geography Teachers).

See SSAG’s statutes.

Election committee

The election committee of the society consists of the convener together with two additional members.

See SSAG’s statutes and list of election committee members.


The accountants review the society’s activities and finances.

See SSAG’s statutes and and list of accountants.

The journals Geografiska Annaler A, Geografiska Annaler B, kritisk etnografi, and the yearbook Ymer

“The editor or editors of the journals have the responsibility of editing and distributing the journals, which are issued by the Society.” (§ 18 in the statutes of SSAG, free translation)

See Geografiska Annaler A, Geografiska Annaler B, kritisk etnografi, and Ymer.

Web site

The society’s web site address is The webmaster is responsible – based on the directives of the board – for the site content, structure, function and form, in collaboration with other writers and editors.

See about the web site.